The Wellness and Wellbeing Summit
Learn the the latest and best practices in wellness and wellbeing research and the industry.

the leadership summit
The Leadership Summit will provide cutting-edge research and best practices for people who have a leadership role in their professional and personal lives.

The blockchain summit
The Summit will feature experts from all around the world that will tackle the issues and questions such as:
- What is blockchain? What is distributed ledger technology? Is it here to stay?
- Does blockchain only refer to cryptocurrencies? What are other use cases and adoption of this technology?
- And more…

4th Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER 2021)
GLOCER Conference aims to bring together researchers, scientists, scholars, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of Global Education and Research and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. English is the official language of the conference. We welcome paper submissions.

4th global conference on creating value
How should academics build a more robust value thinking and teaching of value creation and making value creation a central theme in education and the role of an executive. The Journal of Creating Value and has special issues coming out in November 2021 on Creating Value in Business, and in May 2022 in Defining and Measuring Value for which papers are invited.

Global Conference on Services and Retail Management (GLOSERV 2021)
There is a multitude of studies in this field, bringing its importance even more to the attention of academia in recent years. There is a great demand among scholars who are studying in this field to share their findings with their fellow colleagues. Therefore, GLOSERV conference invites researchers who resonate with this topic to share their findings and ideas.